Now that you have some understanding of the user, again write down the problem you are trying to solve. Use suitable keywords to help the reader understand your problem context (considering opportunities and limitations) and scope better.
You can also think of Problem Statement as a Gap in the existing scenario.
Write a gap / what is missing in the current scenario around your identified priority. Think about where the opportunity exists for improving?
Current State: What is the current flow/state?
Future State: What is the desired flow/state?
Gap: Identify the gap (pain) that exists between the current and the future state of the product.
Description of the use context
To holistically understand usage context’s opportunities and limitations, this section should address such questions as:
How is the project going to be used, and how could it be mis-used (unintended consequences)?
What systems will the project interface with, and what are their requirements?
What are the limitations of the space the project will reside in for use and storage
Consider physical size, storage space, servers, accessibility and other standards.
Who will maintain the project?
Consider site/application management, training, and access limitations.
What are the environmental conditions?
Will the project be exposed to rain or sun?
Will the project be exposed to the public or children who may damage it?
What security issues need to be considered?
How durable does the project need to be?
What are the social/societal factors that may affect the project?
What are the technological limitations of the project?
What other factors may be important for this particular context? (e.g., economical, ethical considerations).
Research from interviews - and extract - specification list
Specifications are the translation of your User Needs into measurable requirements. To create a list of your project specifications, start by copying your list of user needs. For each user need, list the specifications that you must meet to satisfy that requirement. As you write your specifications, keep in mind that you must be able to test the product to ensure that the specification has been met.

This section should include a survey of existing solutions and competing technology.
Could you define, what potential solutions to your partner are commercially available?
To which products would you compare or benchmark your proposed solution?